Author Archives: brent.jackson

Need a logo for your new business or company?

well Product hunt has put together a list of sites that can help with the process, you can try: • LogoJoy: Create your new logo using artificial intelligence • Instant Logo Search: Search and download thousands of logos instantly • Logo Dust: Get a free logo from the open-source library for your project • Whithoomph: […]

Naming your new business

Choosing a name for your business is one of the earliest tasks you carry out starting a business.  While there are many examples of companies that have changed their name after being in business for a few years, it does tend to set your brand tone and the way people perceive your business.  In addition, […]

Why do I need a…ABN TFN GST…?

What do the acronyms mean?

Yes they are all TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms) but what are they for, and why do I need them? Tax file number (TFN) A company (or trust, partnership) needs to apply for a TFN and use it when lodging its annual tax return. Banks will also want this information to avoid collecting a withholding tax […]

Tax savings available!

Lower tax for incorporated companies
[chapter] The latest budget has delivered some great benefits for business, but you need to be correctly structured to take advantage of them. Luckily the government has also made changes to the way business setup costs are managed so the costs of restructuring and getting the right accounting and legal advice can now be written […]

Budget benefits to structuring your business correctly

Tax benefits for business

The latest budget has delivered some great benefits for business, but you need to be correctly structured to take advantage of them. Luckily the government has also made changes to the way business setup costs are managed so the costs of restructuring and getting the right accounting and legal advice can now be written off […]